
The Outdoor Principles in Action

Jason Robertson of the U.S. Forest Service in Colorado

“The principles help our federal agencies adapt to increasing and emerging dispersed use pressures, particularly on Colorado's Front Range. The principles describe how the Forest Service pursues our mission, "To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations" and realize the strength behind our motto of "Caring for the land and serving people."



Scott Segerstrom of the Colorado Youth Corps Association

“Conservation corps in Colorado employ more than 1,500 youth, young adults, and veterans every year. Collectively we build or maintain more than 360 miles of trail, eradicate invasive species from more than 500 acres, plant more than 45,000 trees, and perform green energy projects that save 27 millions gallons of water a year. Diversity of funding sources (a key principle) permits us to maintain these critical impacts even during times of economic downturn--when our mission to change lives and landscapes becomes even more important. When our funding portfolio strikes a balance between corporate philanthropy, such as REI; state funding from Department of Natural Resources; federal funding, such as Department of Interior and Agriculture agencies; and unique funding sources, such as Great Outdoors Colorado, we are in a position to achieve our mission when we face unforeseen economic challenges."



Judith Kohler of the National Wildlife Federation

"At NWF, we stress that public lands and wildlife belong to all Americans, we all have a stake in them are responsible for them. When a congressman recently introduced a bill to sell more than 3 million acres of national public lands, NWF and other organizations with large numbers of sportsmen and women reacted on social media, called the congressman's office, talked to the media. The congressman pulled his bill."

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Chad Schneckenburger of the BLM Colorado State Office

"The BLM Grand Junction Field Office partnered with the Grand Mesa Jeep Club (GMJC) to proactively manage a critical habitat for the Great Basin Spadefoot Toad. The toad has a very limited habitat, a major portion of which is located along the 21 Road/Hunter Canyon in the Little Bookcliffs. This route is a widely popular one for off-road enthusiasts, providing a uniquely challenging and scenic recreational experience to the area. BLM and the GMJC partnered to provide educational and interpretive materials and signage about the toad, along the road. This was achieved through active public engagement and dialogue with both motorized and non-motorized user groups in the area, who were able to adopt the route and educate the public while simultaneously meeting the objectives of the new Resource Management Plan (RMP) and serving the needs and recreational desires of the user groups."

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Scott Braden at Conservation Colorado

"Passage of Colorado Public Lands Day in the state legislature, and subsequently partnering with many groups and agencies to celebrate this new holiday definitely represents Principle #1."

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Jeff Thompson of Colorado Parks and Wildlife

"CPW collects detailed natural and cultural resource information for each of its state parks. This information is applied spatially in GIS to inform park planning, development, and park and recreation management decisions. The application of this data is critical to the long term provision of quality recreation opportunities into the future."

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