We are proud to announce the publication of Colorado’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), for which the CO-OP serves as a leading advisory council every five years:

2025-2029 SCORP Governor's Announcement SCORP Communications Toolkit


In 2050, Colorado’s people and economy thrive because of our healthy lands, water, wildlife, and working farms and ranches, accompanied by improved, inclusive outdoor recreation, hunting, and angling opportunities for all.

The Colorado outdoor partnership works towards this vision using Colorado’s Outdoor Principles, and acknowledges that outdoor recreation and conservation should reflect, respect and value the demographic and cultural diversity of our state.


Our Commitment

The Colorado Outdoor Partnership believes leaders across the State must collaborate and innovate to ensure our private and public lands and water remain healthy to support our diverse wildlife, outdoor and agricultural heritage, and economic wellbeing. We commit to promoting the importance and stewardship of public and private lands and waters to support sustainable habitat conservation and responsible outdoor recreation. We commit to support, improve, and strengthen public and private funding to conserve these resources. Our collaborative commitment means that Colorado will remain a beautiful and healthy place to live, work and play for generations to come.

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For over a century hunters and anglers under the North American Model have led the way for habitat protection, funding conservation efforts, and raising public awareness for access and legislative initiatives. Now, passionate recreation enthusiast from a variety of outdoor pursuits, along with private landowners, conservation and stewardship organizations, government agencies, and everyday citizens are collaborating and partnering to protect our most important resources. This multi-faceted collaboration between conservation and recreation ensures an outdoor lifestyle long into our future by using the Colorado Outdoor Principles to guide our decisions and our work together.

Working Together

Colorado Outdoor Partnership members agree to following three ground rules during our meetings, discussions, and decision-making process: Be respectful, Be constructive and Be productive. Under these guidelines we come to resolutions and make policy recommendations through a consensus process. While this approach takes a great deal of patience and work, it ensures Colorado's Outdoor Principles are lived out and that our decisions represent our diverse member organizations and Coloradans across the state.

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Who We Are

 Organizations involved in the Colorado Outdoor Partnership represent the intersection of outdoor conservation and recreation interests related to land, water, and wildlife in Colorado. We ensure that the decisions we come to are collaborative and represent all members' interests to the best of our ability. Organizations represent the following sectors: outdoor recreation groups, conservation, sportspeople including hunters and anglers, environmental education, outdoor recreation industry partners, lands stewardship, agriculture and ranching, and government.


Our Focus

To achieve the CO-OP’s vision, practice the Outdoor Principles, and positively impact Colorado, the CO-OP focuses on two major collaborative endeavors:

1. POLICY: Advancing policies and funding mechanisms to increase the capacity for land and wildlife conservation and responsible and accessible outdoor recreation.

2. PLANNING: Influencing planning processes by ensuring consistency, identifying synergies, and helping to collaboratively implement the goals in these plans.

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Our Network

The Colorado Outdoor Partnership is positioned as a central collaboration of leaders working on the opportunities and challenges that a growth in population and recreation poses for our wildlife, waters, economy, and land. But we are not doing this alone.  Other collaboratives, coalitions, and working groups are taking up these issues in a variety of ways across the state. 

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Connect with The Colorado Outdoor Partnership

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